• being human,  breath,  embodied liturgies,  embodiment,  prayer

    Deep Trust

    Dear God of Infinite Faces, Help me to have a deep trust in myself, in the ground of my being, in the You who rests inside of me. Please help me to be bold in this heart-knowing and allow that boldness to resist the negative mind-chatter that seeks to dominate my thoughts and actions, my very way of being in the world. Please also grace me with awe and wonder at the mystery and transient nature of life. May I be bold in the deep knowing of myself while also remaining humble in the unknowing and uncertainty at the heart of creation’s divine dance. May I live into my unique personhood and callings, feeling you from deep within and allowing that sense to form powerful words and actions—of reverence, awe and love—knowing language frames the way we think, stirs us, and gives voice to…

  • being human,  breath,  embodied liturgies,  embodiment,  prayer

    Nature’s Is-ness Is In Us

    Dear God of All, Help us to remember that nature IS. Its isness is what makes it special, nothing more, nothing less. Help us to recognize that same pure beingness within ourselves. Let us gently live into our sheer essence … the sweetness of our breath that naturally moves at ‘the pace of what is real’* without any effort on our part. May we ever feel the thunderous beat of our glorious hearts, and may we recognize ourselves in the other, especially during clash or struggle. Allow us, oh Divine love, to use the amazing capacities of our minds without attaching to their technical workings. May we always know that the mind is a divine tool, an important part of us but not the all of us. May we live into our inherent birthright … our Buddha nature, the Cosmic Christ within; individual beings…

  • being human,  breath,  embodiment,  learning,  writing

    What It Feels Like

    Today I thought I’d try to put words to what a dis-regulated nervous system feels like — or perhaps what it feels like to discover and regulate it. I didn’t know I had a dis-regulated nervous system until a few years ago. And I only began to understand it in the context of holistic health. I had inklings prior to this time, but didn’t have a way to access the deeper parts of myself that were keeping it stuck. Last year, I met with someone who would become a new friend, Tonya, a Vital Herbalist. She did an Astrological Ayurvedic Reading to help me uncover the root of my high blood pressure. Prior to our meeting, I suspicioned that anxiety was/is the cause of my hypertension and I was right; I just didn’t understand the full extent of it at the time. Tonya prepared…

  • being human,  breath,  embodied liturgies,  embodiment,  prayer

    Dust and Salt of the Earth

    Dear Creator God, May we ever remember from whence we came, that we derive from the dust and become the salt of the earth—the mundane and the divine—at once, as one. May we know and live into this truth deep within our bones. May we recognize our grandeur, not by our wittiness, or humor or intellect, but by our inherent dignity as human persons, made in your image. Creator God, help us to re-member ourselves in our wholeness, the all of us, in our feet, gut, heart, elbows and knees. May we never again neglect our gorgeous human embodiment, instead letting it shine forth as a light of hope and transformation in a disembodied world. And finally, oh Holy One, make us ever remember—with a deep in our bones remembrance—our connection to all that is in the created world: humans unlike us in all…