being human,  embodiment

Grounding & Simplifying

Last week I was profoundly grounded and centered. I felt whole. Centered. Calm. I stepped back into the practices that are important to me and they were medicine for my soul.

But over the weekend, J and I ran a bit … and now that it’s Monday morning, I’m feeling scattered. It feels agitating. It brings the anxiety I know so well. I don’t like it. At all. So, while I’m jumping back into work this morning, I see a deep need for a little me-time to recalibrate. To reset. To balance. To breathe. To ground. Without going into a long story about the ‘why,’ I see it. My scatteredness relates to:

  • the way I’m deeply affected by other people’s energy,
  • the fact that I am always looking for new creative ways to BE and
  • that some of those ways are not ME.

I know who I am. I know what’s important, what works for me, and I must remember that I’m not, nor should I be, all things to all people. I need to consistently remember ME, and do the things that resonate with my soul. I try to do too much and I often work against myself. This is what puts me in the place I am today right now. I’m working my way through it as I write. Ahhhhhh.

Grounding and simplifying. Today. Again, I begin again.