• being human,  embodied liturgies,  embodiment,  learning,  musings,  writing

    Keeping Our Eyes on God

    I have tried to read the Bible on so many occasions I’ve lost count. I even listened to the Bible In A Year podcast for most of the year a few years back; it was a helpful resource, doing it that way, but it didn’t stick. Simply ‘sitting down to read the scripture’ is a tough task. Strategy helps. A few years ago, I learned of several methods for studying the Bible as well as a meditative tool called Lectio Divina. I am more drawn to the latter, as I find God speaking to me in silent reflective contemplation, but studying scripture is also helpful when we put it in the context of the life we’re living today. During my time in the Living School, we read many spiritual texts, including very old ones … not as ancient as the writings in the Bible…

  • being human,  embodied liturgies,  embodiment,  learning,  musings,  writing

    All God

    God is not a concept, idea, law, ideology or deity in the clouds, distant from us. God is beyond what you can think, has human qualities but is not human, is always happening, always now, is always with us — nearer to us than we are to ourselves. God is love personified, and yet God cannot be explained. God is. (Yes, that’s a full sentence.) God IS. But the problem is that we can’t wrap our heads around that. Creation wasn’t a one time event. It is always happening, because God is always happening. This is hard for us to grasp too, because we live in a culture of deadlines, goals and finishing. Who of us doesn’t imagine ourselves ‘arriving’ somewhere in the future … the perfect job, car, partner, house, vacation, the ‘perfect life?’ We’re wired to constantly work toward an end, and…

  • being human,  breath,  embodied liturgies,  embodiment,  prayer,  writing

    Prayer Is …

    I’ve been thinking a lot about prayer lately, how I used to view it and how I view it now. And this further pondering is no wonder; we are studying ‘signs of growth’ on the spiritual path in my Spiritual Direction training … ‘birth-quakes,’ reconciling and renewing growth spurts along the spiritual journey (Rosalie Norman-McNaney). Life is God’s ‘earth school.’ There is much to learn if we pay attention. To me, prayer used to be all about thanking and asking. In fact, when I looked up ‘types of prayer,’ the first thing that came up were ‘Five Forms of Prayer:’ blessing and adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving and praise. These are all wonderful. Ways of speaking to God. But I’ve learned many other types of prayer over the last several years. Prayer that feels more like meditation than prayer, prayer that takes us deeply into…

  • being human,  embodiment,  learning,  writing

    Wrestling with Complexity

    Everything is layered and complex. God didn’t intend for so many things to be happening that are happening right now … the deeply ailing earth, the sex trafficking, the crime, the wars in Israel and Ukraine, the obesity and drug epidemics in America, the loudness and divisiveness of the world … but these things and more are happening nonetheless. I regularly lean into the truth that my beloved teacher, James Finley, speaks often, ‘God protects us from nothing yet sustains us in all things.’ The question is: what is my work in the world regarding the madness I see (and deeply feel) every day?  Yesterday I read a Facebook post that read “God save us” related to the Productive Rights Amendment, Issue 1, passing in Ohio. I read another that read “Good day for ladies and bodily autonomy.” I feel both deeply. The issue…